Service Specials

Free Drain Line Cleaning
Free drain line cleaning with any service call
Code: CLEANH20
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.

Maintenance Program
Join our residential loyalty maintenance program and save 5% on a our maintenance agreement for anyone in Ocala
Code: PM140
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.

Senior Citizen Discount
5% off all motors, capacitors, contactors and transformers.
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.
Installation Specials

FREE UV Light & 4" Filter
Free UV light & 4" filter with any 15SEER2 system or higher
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.

FREE Surge Protector
Free surge protector on any system 15SEER2 or higher.
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.

FREE Thermostat
Free programable thermostat with any new 15SEER2 system or higher.
*code must be mentioned at the time of schedule. Only ONE per customer per unit.
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